Surgicaldekho offers Delivery on all orders via best courier services available.
Surgicaldekho tried to dispatch all orders within 1-7 days after receipt of order (online payment) or 1-7 days of confirmation of Cash on delivery order. Any delay in order dispatch will be informed to customer via website notification or via email/sms/call.
Surgicaldekho endeavors but does not guarantee to deliver the products to customers within 10 business days from the date of placing your order depending upon the shipping location. Factors such as delay in delivery through the courier partner, transporters’ strike etc. may also affect delivery timelines. Surgicaldekho will not be liable for any loss or expenses sustained by the Buyer arising from any delay in the delivery of the Products howsoever caused.
Surgicaldekho reserves the right to make delivery of the products order in partial shipments. If the Products are to be delivered in instalments, each delivery will constitute a separate contract. You may not treat the contract (as a whole) as repudiated if Surgicaldekho fails to deliver any one or more of the instalments or if you have a claim in respect of any one or more of the instalments.
If a customer fails to take delivery of the Products, Surgicaldekho may at its discretion charge you for the additional shipping cost.